But the global balance is shaking in this turbulent year. It is now Germany has been the dominant superpower of the world for over a decade, their influence stretches across Europe, Africa, and Asia. This sharply divides the American populace, and there are whispers of armed paramilitaries making preparations for a Second American Civil War. With the economy in chaos, the formerly entrenched Republican and Democratic parties begin to see their influence wane as more extreme Syndicalist, Populist, and technocratic political parties rise to power. While having benefited greatly from supplying the Allied powers, the defeat of Britain and France along with Germany's stranglehold on global trade prevents the US from being able to recover its investments in Europe, inflicting massive economic damage on the republic. Meanwhile, having remained committed to neutrality, the United States does not intervene in the war. A ceasefire is declared infollowed by a Peace with Honor peace treaty in Ina Syndicalist revolution overthrows the British government. As the war ends on continental Europe, the United Kingdom cannot afford to continue the war.

The White Russian forces, supported by German intervention, had regrouped and fought back, defeating the Reds. Common Bugs + Their Fixes tutorial - Victoria II: Kaiserreich mod for Victoria II: A House Divided With their army defeated and morale destroyed, a socialist revolution founded on the ideology of Syndicalism overthrows the Third French Republic, exiling the government to North Africa and creating the Commune of France. With renewed strength, the Kaiserreich launches a great offensive in Springpushing the frontline to Paris.